
Scott Feindel actually got the first descent on that, but it was one of
 the most committing big drops I've ever run. The waterfall pours
 from a canyon, but was obstructed at the bottom by a log. That
 raised the risk because if you missed your line, you could get sucked
 under it. If anything went wrong, we were days away from rescue.
 After I scouted the waterfall, set up safety precautions, and made the
 decision to run it, instinct took over. I cleared my mind, snapped my
 skirt over the rim of my kayak, then paddled over the lip and watched
 the pool race toward me. Midway down, I dropped my paddle—if I 
 hadn't, the force of the impact at the bottom would have snapped it
 —and plunged into the water. When I surfaced, I could feel my heart
 pounding in my head.  I have goose bumps just thinking about it.
 It's such a great drop.

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